Sunday, 30 June 2013

Out and About

So you have your hens and you have a home for them, protected from foxes and badgers. But they want to come into the rest of the garden, what to do?
Letting your hens roam around is not a necessity, but they will certainly thank you for it. Apart from that, they are great entertainment and will follow you around to see what you are doing.

Points to remember, just make sure your garden is secure, they will get out if they can! Also remember to keep a shovel handy!! Also, by personal experience, if you go out, put them away. The fox will know you are at the shops!

Saturday, 25 May 2013

The smallest of eggs

All hens will go through a rest period, where they will stop laying eggs, this is quite normal. You may notice smaller eggs being produced or sometimes eggs with thinner shells. However if your eggs are all getting thinner shells, it could mean your hens need more grit to aid in the shell production.

Friday, 19 April 2013

The hen that thought too much

Some hens seem to have a spooky ability in making you think they are planning something...unless they actually are!

This naughty Warren has taken to escaping into our next door neighbours garden and has developed cunning ways of being re-captured.

It could be that as being hybrid birds they are further up the evolutionary ladder!